Mr Hector stared at Kevin.
“This is the fourth time we’ve brought you room service today, and we still haven’t seen your father…”
Kevin shrugged.
“He’s a busy man. He’s in the shower right now, do you really want me to get him to step out all wet and in his towel?”
Mr Hector thought back to the angry conversation he’d had with Kevin’s father through the bathroom door and shook his head. He scowled.
“I’m sure we can wait until he’s dry and fully clothed.”
Kevin smiled.
“May I compliment your chef on the delightful food he’s sent to our room? I know my father was particularly pleased with the mac and cheese and cheese pizza, and he loves the cookies and candy in the mini bar.”
Mr Hector smiled, warily.
“Why thank you, sir. I’ll be sure to pass that along to Chef. We’re very proud of our cuisine here at The Plaza, though we usually receive compliments for our a la carte menu in the restaurant. Especially at Christmas.”
Kevin nodded.
“My father takes food safety and food hygiene extremely seriously. All his staff are up to date on their certifications and he has a rigorous programme of staff training. I’m sure you do that here, too.”
Mr Hector replied: “Yes, sir, we do. The only drawback is all the paperwork that generates. I have rooms full of it.”
Kevin motioned for Mr Hector to sit down.
“Well, I know my father wouldn’t mind me telling you about the online compliance software he uses. It’s called Mango. It keeps all your records in one place online, in the cloud. Anyone who needs to can access it from wherever they are, at work or at home.”
Mr Hector looked impressed.
“No more scrabbling around to find the right certification or training record in a pile of paper. I like that idea.”
Kevin went on: “No more rooms full of paperwork. It’s all online. You could turn a room into a putting green…”
Mr Hector smiled.
“Wouldn’t that be nice? My, your father’s been in that shower for a long time, hasn’t he?”
Kevin nodded.
“Yes, he’s sometimes in there for more than an hour. Does a lot of his thinking in there. I’ll tell him you called.”
As Kevin closed the room door on Mr Hector, he smiled. He went to the empty bathroom and turned off the shower, then opened the mini bar and grabbed an individually wrapped cookie and unwrapped it.
“Now, THIS is the way to celebrate Christmas!” he said.
Find out how online compliance software like Mango benefits your hotel or hospitality business. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOsyour food business needs, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email info@penarth.co.uk