ISO 9001
ISO 9001:2015 is the International Standard for Quality Management Systems.
What Is ISO 9001?
ISO 9001:2015 is the internationally agreed standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS). This standard helps various organisations across the world ensure they are satisfying customer needs through their products, processes and services.
This standard is designed for various industries and organisations to prove that they are committed to quality assurance and quality control.
Achieve ISO 9001 Certification Using Mango Software
Related Training Courses
Do You Need A Copy Of The Standard?
How To Get Certified To ISO 9001
If you need assistance in getting certified to ISO9001, fill out a request a demo form.
The team at Penarth will then determine which consultancy package or software is right for you in order to ensure you get certified to ISO 9001.
Benefits of ISO 9001
Increased Customer Satisfaction
Reduction in Operating Costs
Improve Relationships With Stakeholders
Achieve a competitive advantage
Meet Legal Requirements
Provides a Consistency in Results
What Is Quality Management?
Quality Management is a framework that demonstrates your organisations commitment to improving quality performance and constantly achieving customer satisfaction.
This can be through the use of a quality policy or having the quality manager introduce process improvements.
If your organisation wishes to achieve quality management, they should look at becoming certified to ISO 9001,which they can do by following various quality regulations.
Why Implement a QMS?
Implementing an quality management system (QMS) will benefit organisations of various sizes and industries. Not only will you demonstrate risk management, but you will also achieve quality improvement.
Whether you are focusing on performance management, total quality management or one of the 7 quality management principles - implementing an EMS will help.
We recommend using a software based solution to implement your quality management system.
Quality Compliance Software
Use Mango to look after the standard activities of a Quality Management System, including:
Monitor the effectiveness of your quality system in real time
Document related policies, procedures and forms and then link them to other modules
Help your employees understand quality in an integrated way
Conduct real time non-conformance investigations from anywhere around the world
Prove to auditors that you are conforming with the requirements of the standard
What are the 7 quality management principles?
Customer focus
Engagement of people
Process approach
Evidence-based decision making
Relationship management
What is TQM?
Total Quality Management Explained
Total Quality Management (TQM) refers to operations management's commitment to customer satisfaction, through quality control and quality assurance.
This is an important framework for businesses because it sees the top managers beliefs aligned to the quality managers - long-term success will come to the business if you have a TQM approach.
Being certified to ISO9001 will show that you are dedicated to the TQM framework, as this will demonstrate you are focusing on quality improvement.