Quality Training Courses

Penarth Management offers 4 different training courses related to quality:
Fees for all of these courses are based on delegates attending one of our open courses at various venues throughout the UK. If you have four or more people requiring training, you might find it more cost effective for us to deliver the training in-house.
Introduction to ISO 9001
Often, when tasked with implementing ISO9001, business owners don't always know where to obtain the relevant information. We are offering a FREE opportunity to meet some of our team and find out more about the Standard.
Event Details
The seminar will cover:
What is ISO9001?
Why do you need ISO9001?
Key steps to achieving it
Details of free tools, templates and useful websites
The route to certification
Question and answer session
Event Outcome
As a result of attending the seminar, attendees will receive a:
Certificate of attendance
Summary of ISO9001
For anyone wishing to obtain a personalised action plan, this can be developed free of charge in consultation with individual attendees.
This seminar is due to last for just 2 hours, leaving plenty of time to carry on with the rest of the working day.
Implementing ISO 9001
This course is designed for people responsible for implementing and / or maintaining a Quality Management System in line with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The course takes into account the general guidelines on implementation as detailed in ISO 9000:2015.
Course Details
The course covers:
What is a Quality Management System?
The requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and how to apply them within your organisation
Attendees will gain the knowledge to be able to update and / or implement and maintain an Quality Management System within their own organisation in line with the latest version of the Standard.
The course is delivered via a combination of methods, including integrative demonstrations and practical exercises. The attendees will receive documents which they will learn to tailor to meet their own specific company requirements.
Learning Outcomes
Attendees will have the confidence and knowledge to be able to design and maintain an effective Quality Management System for use within their own organisation
Satisfactory completion of the course will be recognised by the award of a certificate.
ISO 9001 Internal Quality Auditing
This course is designed for people who already have experience of the Quality System in their organisation, and need to be trained to carry out internal quality audits to a standard that satisfies the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015. The course takes into account the requirements of ISO19011:2011 "Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing".
Course Details
Event Outcome
The course is delivered via a combination of methods including interactive demonstrations and practical exercises.
The course covers:
The requirements of ISO9001:2015
Why Internal Quality Auditing?
Preparing an Audit Plan
What sort of questions to ask
How to ask them
Examining evidence
Coming to conclusions and making recommendations
The Audit Findings Report
Follow up
Human aspects of auditing
By the end of the course delegates will be:
Familiar with the requirements of ISO9001:2015
Able to carry out internal quality audits
Attendees will benefit from the course by obtaining the knowledge, skills and confidence to audit their company's Quality Management System.
Companies will benefit by having knowledgeable, trained personnel who can carry out internal audits on behalf of the company.
A course book is provided together with a certificate of attendance which may be submitted to your Quality Assessor as evidence of training.
This course lasts 1 day. The number of people attending any one session is limited to eight to ensure that all the participants are fully involved.
Quality Management Systems Lead Auditor
To be effective and to bring real benefits to both customers and suppliers, the auditor needs a clear understanding of the ISO9000 Series requirements and good audit procedure. The auditor also needs well developed skills to carry out audits successfully and deal with difficult situations confidently.
Since it covers a wide range of topics vital to the management of a modern businesses the course is also very popular with delegates who simply wish to improve their knowledge of quality assurance or audit techniques.
The course is equally suitable for service and manufacturing companies.
Course Details
Learning Outcomes
The course follows an accelerated blended learning style with minimum lectures and maximum delegate involvement. It will give an understanding of quality system auditing, supported by case studies and workshops which develop essential auditor skills.
The course contents satisfy requirements of the international Standard for auditor training and qualification, ISO19011, which includes various topics.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
Interpret ISO9001:2008 and requirements
Plan, perform and report 1st, 2nd and 3rd party audits
Establish internal and external audit programmes
Verify corrective action
Assist their company to improve and to satisfy the requirements of the appropriate ISO9000 Series Standard.
You should attend this seminar if you need to:
Perform 1st, 2nd or 3rd party audits
Co-ordinate and develop a company’s quality system
Assess the capability and performance of suppliers
Brief or train others on ISO9001 and audit
Advise management on audit and quality improvement
We can accommodate most of these courses to suit you and your organisations needs, so don't hesitate to contact us through the website.