As it's 1st December, you've kind of got to sing "five gold stars" as though you were singing the line "five gold rings" in the Christmas song 'Partridge in a Pear Tree!'
However, it's not really stars or rings that we're talking about. We are, instead, celebrating success for serviced office providers Space2B at The Maltings Ltd, who have just been recommended for UKAS accredited certification to five ISO Standards:
ISO 9001 (quality)
ISO 14001 (environmental)
ISO 45001 (health and safety)
ISO 22301 (business continuity)
ISO 27001 (information security)
The team at Penarth Management Limited worked with The Maltings Ltd to help implement a simple, effective system using cloud based compliance software, Mango.
Contact us via info@penarth.co.uk or call 029 2070 3328 to discover if Mango compliance software could help you to achieve a similar five star standard!