Katarina handed the tourist a nativity-themed music box.
“This one plays Deck the Halls, you’ll love it!” she said.
The tourist smiled and went to Santa at the till.
“That will be £35,” Santa said, without a flicker.
Hmm, Katarina thought, that music box was £30 last week…
Santa smiled as the tourist left and the shop bell sounded. She turned to Katarina.
“I know what you’re thinking, but we need to put the prices up. Our costs have gone up so much…”
Katarina sighed. Santa wasn’t exaggerating. Everything cost so much these days.
Santa opened her laptop and showed Santa her spreadsheet.
“Look. We have so many obligations. Public liability indemnity, fire safety certification, and now, of course, we have to get ready for Martyn’s Law.”
Katarina asked: “What’s that?”
Santa replied: “The new public safety law being brought in after the 2017 Manchester Arena terrorist attack. It requires public venues of all kinds, including arenas, sports stadia, and even shops to have an effective plan in place to combat attacks and for good communication if the worst happens.
“Staff must have the proper training, there must be detailed risk assessments, and different sized venues have different levels of duty under the new law. It’s expected to come into force in 2024.”
Katarina nodded.
“Could you get specialist help to make things easier?” she asked.
Santa smiled.
“Yes. I’ve been talking to the experts at Penarth Management about what we need to do, and what we don’t because we’re a small shop. It helps me only spend what I need to on ensuring we comply with the law,” Santa said.
“They also suggested an online compliance software called Mango to help me manage everything, including training records, risk assessments, and all my documents. No more piles of paperwork cluttering up the place and taking up useful selling space.”
Katarina adjusted her elf costume and shuffled the shop’s soundtrack. Last Christmas by Wham drifted out of the speakers.
“I love this one!” Santa said. Katarina forced a smile.
“Don’t you ever get tired of hearing them? These songs are everywhere at this time of year?”
Santa smiled again. “No way! Our customers love them and they spend more money when I play Wham or Slade or Mariah Carey.”
Katarina groaned.
“All I want for Christmas is silence!” she said, laughing.
“And for my mum to stop telling my doctor I drink like a pirate…”
You can find out more about Martyn’s Law (the Terrorism (Protection of premises) Bill) here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/martyns-law-progresses-as-government-publishes-draft-legislation
Find out how Mango’s online compliance software benefits your retail business. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs your business needs, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email info@penarth.co.uk