Margot pulled on her rubber gloves and started to separate the recycling.
Barbara peered over the fence.
“You have a lot of plastic recycling there, Margot,” she said.
Margot nodded.
“Yes, far too much. Some of it can go back to Fortnum and Mason for recycling, but I watched that David Attenborough series recently and even I’m worried about the amount of plastic in our seas,” Margot replied.
“I’ve a mind to write to Fortnum’s Chairman to ask him to do something urgently about all of this plastic wrapping. I’ll write to The Times, too.”
Barbara replied: “Tom and I do everything we can to not bring so much plastic into the house, but it’s small beer compared to businesses and large organisations who can make a real impact.”
Margot nodded in agreement.
“After the third episode of the David Attenborough series, I sent Jerry into work to find out what the company is doing to help cut plastic production.
“He said they’d brought in consultants from Penarth Management to help them gain the international standard for environmental regulations, ISO 14001.”
Tom popped his head over the fence.
“Morning, Margot! My ex boss will love that ISO as the clients like an environmentally conscious company,” he said.
“Bet they didn’t have to milk a goat or harvest potatoes for it!”
Margot glared.
“They did not! Nor did they have to live next to a pig sty!”
Tom laughed.
“Should be used to it now, Old Girl! Still, we’re thinking about the Earth Day target launched on April 22nd to reduce plastic production by 60% by 2040. Our self-sufficient home is doing its bit…
“Homemade bar soap instead of plastic shampoo bottles, using glass and ceramic jars to store our dried goods…”
Margot sighed.
“Yes, very worthy. It takes good deal more organisation for a business to change its plastic habits,” she said.
“That’s why Jerry got Mango.”
Tom snorted.
“Hardly locally grown and sustainable!”
Margot sighed again.
“No, Tom, the online compliance software called Mango. Not the fruit. It helps the company keep track of its goals and comply with regulations without mounds of paperwork.
“One can access the records wherever there’s an internet connection. Jerry took his laptop into the shed last night and checked up on whether the new supply contracts had actually reduced the company’s plastic usage.”
Tom smiled.
“The shed, eh? Does he have a bottle of whisky in there?…And had they reduced the plastic?”
Margot nodded.
“Yes, by 35% on the previous year.”
Barbara handed Margot a basket of cucumbers.
“We have a glut,” she said.
“Thought you and the WI ladies could make cucumber sandwiches with them.”
Margot took the basket.
“Thank you, Barbara. Most kind.”
Tom sniggered.
“Haven’t got any mangoes for you, Margot. I do have some wonderful, organic, non-plastic manure for you, though!”
Margot wrinkled her nose.
“No thank you, Tom. I don’t think that would go down quite as well at the WI afternoon tea…”
Find out how Mango’s online compliance software could help your business or organisation meet its environmental goals. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email