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Writer's pictureJodie Read

Identifying Training Needs

An effective training programme will ensure that an organisation is delivering the right training to the right people at the right time; from new recruits to longstanding members of staff.

Conducting a proper Training Needs Analysis will ensure that the organisation understands:

  • What training is needed

  • Why it is needed

  • Who needs it (and how many?) (Remember that it can be more cost effective to arrange inhouse courses if there are several people who require the same training)

  • Where will the training be delivered (will you send employees to attend a public course, arrange an inhouse training session, or can you achieve the level of skills and knowledge required via online training?)

  • When to schedule the training. Some organisations have busy seasons and need to plan courses around workloads. Sometimes training has to be organised quickly to meet a specific customer requirement.

Armed with this information, makes it easier to identify training providers and to ask relevant questions about course duration and cost to allow for scheduling.

1. Define Roles and Associated Training Requirements

Setting clear expectations of what skills you expect for each job role will help with the identification of training needs. This not only helps to define essential and desirable skills for new recruits, it helps managers to focus on delivering the right training to the right people.

2. Review Training Records and Skills Matrices

Having defined the skills required, it should be easy to refer back to your training records (see and skills matrices (see it should be easy to spot any gaps.

3. Performance Reviews

By reviewing performance of individuals and trends from reported accidents, incidents, non-conformities, security breaches etc., the organisation will be able to identify where additional training may be required.

4. Changes in legal and other requirements

Remember that changes in legisalation may result in additional training requirements.


We've provided a series of free training templates to help you manage your training needs. Sign up to access your free Training Toolkit which contains templates for:

  • Training Record

  • Training Matrix

  • Personnel Specification

  • Training Needs Analysis

If you like the templates but want some guidance on how to get the most out of them, you can supercharge your training programme by signing up for the Training Tookit PowerUp pack which contains copies of all the same forms but also features a series of "how to" videos. The PowerUp pack costs just £25 + VAT.

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