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Writer's pictureMaria Williams

How Mango is Keeping The Grand Budapest Hotel safe

March 27th. Saturday. 5.15pm.

The Grand Budapest Hotel, Zubrowka.

Zero Moustafa gazed at the author and watched him scribble his notes.

He’d told him everything, the story of Monsieur Gustave H and how he was falsely accused of murder and imprisoned, how he’d met Agatha, how they’d helped Monsieur Gustave escape, the assistance of the Society of the Crossed Keys, and how Gustave had died defending him, a refugee, from fascist soldiers.

He told the author how Gustave had left him this once magnificent hotel and he’d become one of the wealthiest Zubrowkans.

Of course now the hotel was a shadow of its former self, with just a few guests and even fewer staff.

The author looked up at him. “Why don’t you sell? It’s long past it’s prime…” the author said.

Zero shook his head. “I run this hotel in memory of Agatha and our son,” Zero answered.

“I also look on our staff and guests as the Grand Budapest Hotel family. We do everything we can to keep them comfortable and safe.”

The author nodded. He wondered how many came and stayed here without knowing the remarkable story of its owner.

“What sort of things do you do to keep your guests safe?”

Zero looked into the author’s eyes. “The world is so uncertain, that’s one important lesson Monsieur Gustave taught me. We’re looking at what they’re doing in the UK at the moment with Martyn’s law.”

The author nodded. He’d heard of it. It was a law introduced in memory of one of the 22 innocent victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, Martyn Hett.

Its aim was to ensure hotels, resorts, arenas, and sporting venues were taking the right safety measures to help prevent attacks or deal with one if the worst happened.

“More work for you, I imagine,” the author said.

Zero nodded.

“Yes, but we have a plan thanks to our friends at Penarth Management. Their health and safety consultants introduced us to Mango. It’s online compliance software that allows us to store documents in the cloud and access them wherever there’s an internet connection.”

The author looked impressed.

“You are very forward thinking! No mounds of paperwork or scrabbling around for the right documents.”

Zero allowed himself the flicker of a smile.

“You learn the importance of forward planning very quickly as a bell boy.

“Besides, we must gave clear plans and excellent communication if something does happen. That can make all the difference.

“It’s what Monsieur Gustave would do, so it’s what I do.”

The author put away his notepad and rose. “Your story is remarkable, Mr Moustafa. I’m proud to write it.”

Zero waved away the compliment.

“I only hope the world hears the story of Monsieur Gustave. He was the remarkable one.”

As the author left the hotel lobby, Zero waited for the elevator he’d first stepped into more than thirty years before.

“I always ask myself what you would do, Monsieur Gustave,” he whispered.

As the doors opened, a guest got out and looked at him quizzically.

“Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in decades! He was the concierge here when I first visited Zubrowka. Whatever happened to him?”

Zero smiled. “There’s a new book being written about him. It’s a fascinating story…”


You can find out more about Martyn’s Law (the Terrorism (Protection of premises) Bill) here:

Find out how Mango’s online compliance software benefits your hotel. Book a free demonstrationwhich will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email


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