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Five steps to effective supply chain management

How effective is your supply chain management?

Feedback from initial assessments to ISO 45001 shows that assessors are picking up on Clause 8.1.4, which deals with procurement and effective management of the supply chain. So how effective is yours - and what could you be doing to improve?

How to ensure effective supply chain management

​Have processes in place to ensure effective evaluation and ongoing monitoring.

Obtain evidence of any relevant qualifications, insurances and risk assessments before you start work.

Have a system set up to ensure you supply up to date copies of relevant documents as they become due.

Consider arranging a supplier event to communicate why health and safety is important to you, and to make sure your suppliers understand what you require of them.

Consider asking your suppliers and subcontractors to achieve certification to ISO 45001 to show their level of commitment to health and safety, taking care to ensure that they only use UKAS accredited Certification Bodies.

To find out how Penarth Management Limited can support your organisation to achieve certification to ISO 45001, or to discuss ideas for engaging with your supply chain, please contact us at or on 029 2070 3328.

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