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With Mango, it’s Goodnight Sweetheart to piles of paperwork


PC Reg Deadman ran into the pub and shouted: “Put that light out!”

Phoebe ran to the window and adjusted the blackout.

“Sorry Reg! It slipped. Won’t happen again!”

Reg smiled.

“I know, but I’ve got to treat you and Gary like everyone else. Being an ARP warden in the evenings is such a responsibility!”

Gary looked up from his newspaper.

“It is, Reg. It would help if buildings had better fire precautions, wouldn’t it?”

Reg smiled: “It would, Gary! What sort of precautions do they have at the Ministry?”

Gary tapped the side of his nose.

“Can’t tell you, Reg, top secret. The only thing I can say is we have amazingly efficient doors to help us combat a fire, in the event one breaks out. It could buy us half an hour to an hour to escape,” he said.

Reg scratched his head.

“Wonderful! How are they more efficient? Door’s a door, I thought,” he said.

Gary smiled: “These doors are specially toughened, made of fire retardant material, and have air-tight seals around them. And we ALWAYS keep them closed.”

Reg nodded.

“We should have them in lots of public buildings, like the police station,” he said.

Gary agreed: “We should. We could even have a special week to raise awareness of how important they are every September. We could call it Fire Door Awareness Week.”

Phoebe snorted.

“You’ll soon be suggesting we all give up smoking and cooking chips late at night!”

Gary said: “Well, a lot of fires are caused by smoking materials and chip pans…

“I think that in the future we’ll be cooking chips without oil, though, in something I like to call an air fryer…”

Phoebe laughed.

“Oh Gary, your imagination! How can you fry air?”

Gary shrugged and moved on: “One thing we’ll definitely be doing is keeping all our documents in machines so we don’t have as much paperwork hanging about taking up space. We’ll be able to bring up and look at a document wherever there’s a machine. We’ll keep our information in the cloud…”

Reg shrugged: “The only thing I see in a cloud is rain!”

Phoebe took Gary’s pint glass away: “I think you’ve had enough Gary Sparrow! You’re seeing things!”

Gary shook his head.

“Mark my words, it’s the future. And we’ll be using Mango to store the documents.”

Phoebe sighed.

“What’s a mango when it’s at home?”

Gary stood up and put on his hat.

“Well it’s a Caribbean fruit, technically…”

Pheobe snorted again: “Caribbean fruit! We haven’t seen a banana in four years! And how will documents be stored in a fruit? Will we hollow them out?”

Gary smiled inscrutably and said: “Sorry, have to leave. Important meeting with the PM…about online compliance software…”

He strode out of the door.

Phoebe said: “I really wish he wouldn’t do that…he always gets the last word…and I never understand it…”

Reg nodded.

“And today that word is Mango!”

  • Find out how Mango’s online compliance software could help your business or organisation comply with fire safety regulations. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email

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