The headteacher stared across his desk and smiled.
“No, Mr Wickers, I don’t think my cousin’s computer support company is failing Abbey Grove School,” he said.
“It’s just teething problems!”
Alfie Wickers sighed.
“We’ve had no internet access for three weeks! How am I supposed to teach Class K history if I can’t access Wikipedia?” he said.
Mr Fraser replied: “Books?”
Alfie snorted: “Do you think the pupils of Class K read books?”
Mr Fraser sighed: “OK, fair point, but I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. We’re due a school inspection soon, so I have to get all the paperwork up to date, make sure staff have the correct training, close down that little side gig Class J have selling our art supplies online…”
Alfie shrugged: “I thought that was YOUR side gig…”
Mr Fraser raised his eyebrows: “So did I…”
Rosie Gulliver walked past the open door and said: “I know someone who could help…”
Alfie stood up and offered her his seat: “That sounds great!” he said.
Rosie furrowed her eyebrows: “You haven’t heard anything about it yet!”
Flustered, Alfie replied: “If it’s someone you know, they’re bound to be good!”
Mr Fraser held up his hand: “Let her speak, Mr Wickers! There’s nothing I hate more than mansplaining…”
Confused, Rosie went on: “My mate Jodie works at Penarth Management and her consultants help schools, colleges, and training centres keep on top of their compliance with cloud software…”
Alfie sighed: “Cloud software sounds so comfy…”
Mr Fraser rolled his eyes: “Mr Wickers!”
Rosie added: “The software can be accessed anywhere there’s an internet connection so you can find what you need whenever you need it. You can access it from home or even while you’re on holiday.”
Mr Fraser laughed: “Not where I go on holiday! I find no internet means less likelihood of an international arrest warrant…”
Rosie raised her eyebrows: “Um, OK, but it does sound really useful. We can manage things like food safety certificates, boiler servicing records, first aid training certificates…and there’s the new Martyn’s Law coming in soon. We’ll have to do our bit to keep the public safe with proper training and detailed risk assessments…”
Mr Fraser sighed: “Yes, OK, anything to get rid of that whole filing cabinet of paper. Put me in touch…”
Alfie smiled: “See? Told you it would be brilliant. What’s this online compliance software called?”
Rosie replied: “Mango…”
Alfie sighed: “Spent my gap year eating mango and drinking daiquiris…good times…”
Rosie rolled her eyes and said: “It’s how you spend every weekend, too!”
Find out how Mango’s online compliance software could help your school, college, or training centre. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email