Blakey flashed Stan and Jack a filthy look.
“You pair had better start taking this seriously,” he snapped.
“The Luxton and District Motor Traction Company has to comply with all environmental legislation and we’re going for an ISO 14001 in environmental management, which is why we’re switching to electric vehicles. We need to reduce our pollution, improve the company’s reputation, and attract the right sort of contracts from organisations that expect us to do our bit to combat climate change.”
Jack sniggered.
“The only bus Stan’s ever driven belched out enough diesel fumes to floor an elephant!” he said.
“And all of this route speed calculation to maximise efficiency…who’s got for time for that? The new route also takes out the rest stop near the Flying Horse, and that takes out my daily attempt to get Carol to go out with me. You’re cramping my style, Blakey!”
Stan laughed: “And you’ve stopped us pulling up near The Codfather chippy. How am I supposed to explain that to mum and Olive? They love their Friday night fish suppers!”
Blakey sighed.
“Your stomach and your…after hours activities…are not my concern nor are they the concern of the Luxton and District Motor Traction Company.
“What is our concern is all the blinking paperwork the ISO brings us. Not to mention the new anti-terror legislation, Martyn’s Law, that’s coming in soon. We’ll have a duty to help protect the public from terrorist attacks, so you’ll all be getting training.
“You two need to keep your wits about you and your eyes on something other than fish and chips!”
Stan nodded: “Yeah, Arthur works down the council and he’s been banging on about it. Businesses will get a duty of care to protect the public.
“Arthur says the council has brought in Mango…”
Blakey laughed: “Oh yeah, a bit of exotic fruit’s going to sort it all out!”
Stan shook his head: “Nah, Blakey, the online compliance software called Mango. No more reams of paperwork. All your documents are stored in the cloud and you can access it wherever there’s an internet connection. MoT certificates, training records, healthy and safety records, and environmental records. Less paper, more green, too!”
Blakey pulled off his inspector’s cap and scratched his head: “What, in a cloud?”
Jack laughed: “ No, THE cloud - a computer storage system. Where’ve you been for the last 50 years?”
Blakey grinned: “In this bus depot, same place as you! One of these days, I’ll be able to afford to retire…spend my days on the allotment…get my bus pass…Can’t wait…”
Blakey looked away dreamily.
Stand and Jack looked at each other.
“Neither can we!” they said.
Find out how Mango’s online compliance software could help your transport company. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email info@penarth.co.uk