David Brent sighed and patted down the lapels of his suit jacket.
Another day in Mega Electronics and just a few days before Black Friday.
He stared into the camera: “It’s always busy this time of year, with people buying new TVs and PS5s and food mixers before Christmas. But we’re always ready in this store.
“We’re like one big organism, one big animal, yeah? The guys upstairs in the office on the phone, they're the mouth. The guys down here on the sales floor, the hands. I’m probably the humour.”
A familiar figure walked through the doors and did a double-take.
Tim Canterbury smiled and said: “Hello, David.”
David smiled weakly.
“All right Tim? How are things then? Dawn had the baby yet?”
Tim nodded: “She’s three now, David…”
David looked into the camera: “I promoted Tim, remember, when I worked at Wernham Hogg.
“I don't do it so they turn round and go 'Thank you David for the opportunity, thank you for the laughs.' I do it so, one day, someone will go 'There goes David Brent. I must remember to thank him.’
“It’s probably why he’s here now…”
Tim shook his head: “Vacuum’s packed up and we need a new one. Going to buy a robot vacuum. Didn’t know you worked here, David.”
David shrugged: “They needed a store manager and my music tour hasn’t really…taken off…yet…”
Tim nodded: “I heard.”
David went on: “Still, it’s a new challenge. Lots of things to sort out. They were dreadful at compliance until I came. Piles of paperwork all over the place.
“Good thing I’d worked with Penarth Management when I was at Wernham Hogg. They recommended this excellent online compliance software that keeps all our records in the cloud.
“They need it all here - training records for first aid and manual handling, health and safety certificates, paperwork for the ISO for environmental management, and they’ll need it even more when Martyn’s Law comes in.
“We’ll have a duty to help protect the public and we’ll need to carry out a detailed risk assessment, train the staff, and have a clear plan for how to handle an incident.”
Tim smiled: “Sounds good. Where would the robot vacuums be please, David.”
David smirked: “Dawn got you under her thumb now, has she?”
Tim looked straight at the camera, smiling.
“Yep, completely under the thumb. She should obviously be doing all the vacuuming…” he said, rolling his eyes.
“What was the name of that software?”
David replied: “Mango…”
Tim nodded.
“Ah, yeah, they’ve got that down at the fruit and veg shop, too,” he said, quickly moving on before David could reply.
David looked into the camera.
“Sadly, his humour isn’t as sophisticated as mine. He isn’t an entertainer like me, yeah?”
Find out how Mango’s online compliance software could help your retail business. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email info@penarth.co.uk