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Mango comes to Grange Hill…flipping heck, Tucker!

Trisha Yates flicked her hair back and gave Tucker a withering look.

“You know nuffink, Tucker,” she said, glaring.

Tucker shrugged.

“It’s what I heard Bullet Baxter telling Bridget…er Mrs McCluskey after assembly this morning,” he said.

“They’re closing down the gym because of health and safety. We’ll have to go to Willesden High for PE for the rest of the term.”

Trisha snorted: “As if I’d believe you!”

Alan Hargreaves pushed open the double doors and walked into the corridor.

“Have you heard? We’re going to have to walk up Willesden High every Thursday afternoon for PE. Nightmare!” he said.

Tucker grinned: “Told ya!”

Trisha huffed and turned on her heels, stomping into the open classroom.

“All that and double French!” said Alan, following her in. Tucker walked behind them.

As the door closed, Mrs McCluskey and Mr Baxter walked out of the deputy heads’ office.

“Can’t be helped, can it?” Mr Baxter said.

Mrs McCluskey nodded.

“No, but we don’t seem to be in top of these issues at the moment. The old gym wood block floor becoming a trip hazard and needing to be replaced, the food safety certificate running out this week, the boiler service due next month…My desk is covered in paperwork right now. 

“I should be teaching, but we’ve had to get supply cover while I sort it all out.”

Mr Baxter nodded.

“Same here,” he sighed. “We have to audit all the sports equipment by the end of term and I have to get the electrics tested.”

Mrs McCluskey patted his arm.

“Let’s go to the staff room and get a cup of tea,” she said.

“The new computer tech reckons that one day, all this will be done by machines. Imagine! Just pressing a button and seeing what you need to do to keep the school compliant with health and safety, food safety, and environmental rules.”

Mr Baxter laughed.

“I wish!” he said.

“Maybe these machines could keep all the documents inside them so we could all access them whenever we need to. Imagine if they all linked up so we could access them from all the computers!”

Mrs McCluskey pushed open the staff room door.

“No more piles of paperwork! Sounds like a dream,” she said.

“What’s on the school dinners rota today?”

Mr Baxter peered at the paper pinned to a cork notice board.

“Liver and onions,” he said. They both grimaced.

“Tell me there’s something nice for pudding!” Mrs McCluskey said.

Mr Baxter raised his eyebrows.

“Something a little bit exotic…mango!”

Mrs McCluskey laughed: “There you are! That’s a good name for your new dream computer system!”


  • Find out how Mango’s online compliance software could help your school, college, or training centre. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email

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