Keeping Your Organisation Compliant
There are three main steps to achieving legal compliance with Health and Safety and Environmental legislation (such as OHSAS18001 and ISO14001):
1. Know what legislation applies to your organisation
An initial on-site review of your processes to determine what legislation applies (which may be combined with an initial Evaluation of Legal compliance)
The production of a Legal Register for your organisation
2. Keep up to date with changes to legislation
To ensure a full understanding of your organisation’s legal obligations, and that only legislation that is relevant to your organisation is identified, legal compliance updating should be carried out by a dedicated consultant.
What to expect:
A quarterly update of the Legal Register and a summary letter explaining the changes
Discussion of any relevant legislation changes, how they impact on your organisation, and how changes will be managed
Written confirmation if updated legislation is not relevant
3. Be able to demonstrate that your organisation is compliant To retain certification, it is important that an organisation doesn't just know what legislation applies, but can demonstrate that it is compliant. Depending on the requirements of your organisation, this can include:
An annual on site evaluation of your legal compliance
Introduction of compliance software systems
Ongoing monitoring and reminders
Penarth Management Limited has considerable experience of Health and Safety and Environmental Legislation across a wide variety of industry sectors, helping to ensure compliance with OHSAS18001 and ISO14001.
If you would like to talk to a member of Penarth Management about our legal compliance service, please contact us at or on 029 2070 3328.