If you thought that GDPR had gone away, think again.
Key sections in some tender documents now require evidence of GDPR compliance, so if you haven't got the right systems in place you could find your company is at a disadvantage when it comes to answering tender questions around data protection.
We recently had a request from a company that we previously assisted with their initial GDPR training and privacy policies. They hadn’t yet acted upon our further recommendation to implement a structured management system, and therefore found it difficult to answer the questions in a tender they were completing.
We’re now helping them to put together the required documents to enable them to fulfil the data protection criteria and improve their ability to win new business.
How you can demonstrate GDPR compliance
Typically, we’re finding that organisations with a structured management system will normally be able to answer ‘yes’ to all key questions, including those relating to GDPR.
The ideal framework to help your organisation put this in place is the Data Protection Standard, BS 10012:2017. Updated in 2017 in response to GDPR, the Standard is designed to fit neatly alongside any other systems that you already have in place.
To find out how Penarth Management Limited can help your business with GDPR compliance, including BS 10012:2017 certification, please contact us at info@penarth.co.uk or on 029 2070 3328.