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Writer's pictureJodie Read

Dispelling the Myths of Health & Safety Live on Radio!

Updated: Apr 15, 2022

Jodie Read pictured with Wynne Evans

It's not every day that you get asked to appear on a live radio show; but that is what happened when BBC Radio Wales asked if I could appear on the Wynne Evans show as his mystery guest on Saturday 18/05/13. 

Wynne is an opera singer and broadcaster, but is probably best known within most households as the 'Go Compare' man, Gio Compario!

For the radio show Wynne undertakes a series of challenges. One of his most recent challenges was to learn how to skateboard. In doing so, it transpired that the BBC faced a number of health and safety issues. So, the production team thought it would be great fun to invite a health and safety consultant to be their mystery guest with the aim of dispelling some of the myths that surround this much maligned, but hugely important subject. 

It just so happened that earlier on that week I had visited the Safety & Health Expo at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC). Whilst there, I had listened to Judith Hackitt, Chair of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) talk on the very subject of "myth busting" and the need for proportionate health and safety. So once on air I was only too happy to explain how issues are blamed on health and safety, but are often caused by something entirely different.

To find out how we managed to chat about topics as diverse as flapjacks, coast-steering and poultry you can listen to the interview on via the BBC's iPlayer for just a few days. The mystery guest feature starts at 1 hour 11 minutes into the show and carries on until 1 hour 49 minutes. 

Let us know what you thought about the feature by leaving us a comment below!

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